guess life doesnt slow down, does it?
busy, busy.
Play groups. Library. Reading time. lots of sunshine, a beach day. the aquarium. a couple of birthdays. Parenting classes. homework, studying (for joe). church callings, cleaning, more time at church doing church things. missionaries for dinner on the regular. movie and pizza nights. a fun run notquite5k, gym, gym, and more gym. pool playdates. fire station tour. dental appointments. doctors. more doctors. costco 4 times a week. pretty sunsets and tons of fog. an awesome surprise birthday visit from grammy.
and more.
Sigh. we are getting ready to finish our time here in Monterey. Its been a ride, thats for sure. loved a lot of it, and hated some of it. mostly great experiences. a few awful ones. lots of learning, lots of growth. lots of togetherness, too much time apart from each other. a million new friends, hopefully many we will see again. this chapter here is closing for now, and its been a good time. mostly. i think i would be happy to come back again. i think.
i'll see about getting some pictures up. if not, enjoy facebook and instagram, sometimes i post some good things there!