

i realize i talk about the girl a LOT here. 

bubba monster is pretty great too, though. he's a semi-snuggle bug, super ticklish, and a total sweetie.

he LOVES his stuffed animals, and his three blue bears are his fave. he is really smart, like knows where things are, and what they are, but doesn't use words at all. he has a giggle that is better than anyone's, and it makes me so happy. when he does "talk" he moves his head like a muppet- its not just the jaw, but his whole head moves and it makes me laugh. 

he is tough. he is now just as strong as his sister, and usually wins their tug-of-war fights over a toy. but he is also so sensitive. and has some sweet dance moves to rival his sister. i love him.

thinking about these two makes me so happy, especially when i think there is another crazy monkey coming to join them. oh what a party that will be! bubba loves, loves, loves little babies. he can't get enough. loves to rock them, give hugs and kisses, and "tickle" them. just can't wait.

love little bubba monster. (that is a hint for his halloween costume. excited for this year!)


i had a whole long post on how awesome this girl is. and now its gone?

no matter. head over to lindsay's blog. she's got a great pic of the little stink. she's killing me with awesomeness right now.

and i just have to share this- bubba has the started doing the best trick- he has decided he now likes to have his diaper changed, and will lay down right in front of you if you say the word diaper. my son is a dog. 


Sunday thoughts

Really long, never ending week. Sick junk raged in our house and just lots of yuck. Lots of decisions, some hard, and by Saturday I just wasn't sure how much more i could take at the time. But luckily, and by lucky I mean seriously blessed, i got to go to the relief society broadcast and be surrounded by wonderful women, and have my perspective re-adjusted. A quick chat with a friend afterwards reallllly made me reflect and made me so, so grateful for the 2.5 little ones I've got. So, so grateful for such a wonderful husband. So grateful for my entire family, especially this week for a sister who saves the day watching kids, brings a cherry-limeade, and quietly listens to me bawl over the phone for an entire conversation. all those pregnancy hormones haven't helped a dang thing, but family, and the gospel that binds us together, really does. Seriously, not sure where I'd be without either. And now, because baby craves and mommy caves, I will make apple pie to go with the tacos we had for linner. It's better than the sprinkle cupcakes Claire keeps asking for, right?


something new

for the last, four months or so, the camera has been at my parents house. with my parents moving, the camera did not reappear in my hands until a couple weeks ago. i thought, sweet! i will have all these great new pictures to post! eh, not so much. i had four. and these are all of them.

coincidentally, they are all from the time we went strawberry picking when we were visiting my parents in st. louis. coincidentally, because claire recently started talking about that adventure and riding on the school bus that took us to the fields. at least a couple times every day. and every time we see a school bus. that was one HOT day. 

now that we have a camera back in action, i hope there will be more picture taking. because the whole one picture posts from the phone/ipod is reeeeeally getting old. 

and hopefully i will start feeling better so that i will want to take those pictures. because i have been feeling yucky, pretty much since the day we stepped off the plane back in utah. because, yep, 

BABY #3 is making an appearance in 6 1/2 months! 

quite honestly, it was a bit of a surprise, but one we are totally THRILLED about. can't wait to meet her!

yes i think its a girl. i already know her name. BUT we are not finding out gender, until she is born! we did it twice, we got one of each, and since i've always wanted to, i am doing it this time. my choice, so thats how it is. i can wait that long, right????? 


What a joy

this kid is going to be the goofiest kid in school. it's like, three years away, but seriously, she is going to rock at school. little miss independent. Mischievous. Sweet as honey. A pistol. And a never ending source of energy. and still OCD. But only selectively. It's kind of fun guessing she will be picky about. Love her.


tuckered out.

me too kiddo. i could kiss those cheeks all day.
i do kiss those cheeks all day,
and i love every second of it.
and those lips. his kissy lips. just for all those sweet girls in his life. there are a few, but he loves them all!
me the most though. its definitely me. i feel so lucky. 
remember that, kid! i was the first lady.