

first time for everything

as i have explained before (here here and here) i don't cry for movies. i just don't. i am a heartless, unemotional blob when i watch movies. joe takes care of the crying for both of us when neccessary.

flash back 13 1/2 years- christmas we received the best puppy you could ask for. her name is oreo noelle bowerman. she has moved with us 5 times, and is one of my bestest friends. (i've mentioned her a few times, here here here here and here) she gets older everday, and i seriously think she could use a seeing eye dog to get around. i miss her. a lot. and apparently more than i realized.

now to last night.

i have been waiting and waiting for this movie to come out on dvd. (i just can't justify spending so much just to see a movie when the two of us can see it for a dollar just a few months later!) i made joe go and get it while i was in school to make sure i could watch it last night. even though i had been waiting to see it for so long, i wasn't even expecting to make it through the first five minutes. i had class until late, and needed to take a test online once i got home that took nearly an hour. we didn't start until almost ten. (i fell asleep before 930 the night before). i watched the whole thing. was awake the whole time. and this movie has captured my heart and it sent me through an emotional wringer last night.

which movie am i talking about? marley and me.

i didn't just cry. i bawled. i was hysterical. it got worse when we tried to go to bed and started talking about it. a pathetic sight to see i'm sure. there were tears, laughing, sobbing, joy, pain, fear, a serious rollercoaster. i have NEVER done anything like that before. i wanted a dog, i couldn't bear getting a dog and going through that. i missed oreo. i wanted her to just go to sleep peacefully so she wouldn't have anymore pain. i wanted her to drive us crazy just one more time. i wanted her to bark. i wanted to give her a bath. smell her nasty breath.

and joe laughed at me.

straight up laughed. made me even more hysterical. it was a pretty funny sight to see, so i don't blame him (and you shouldn't either!)

i don't know if i can ever watch that movie again. but really- SO GOOD.

and this is no april fool's joke people.


Jeannette & Brandt said...

Now I really want to see it!

grant + brittany said...

ha ha joe is such a sweetie. and i LOVE west side story!!!

Polka Dot Craft Parties said...

I am so sorry Katie. You've met his Dad....enough said. We love you!
He gets the crying from me!

LinnieBell said...

katie ≠ heartless. katie = emotional basketcase.

no, not really, but i think it'd be funny if you all of a sudden were a really emotional person! maybe this is a step in that direction??

Mom and Sarah said...

Yea, it was a pretty emotional movie - I agree! And yep, Oreo misses you and everyone else and is just NOT herself. There should be a book out there about how to deal with aging doggies. So hard to watch her go down hill. She still knows your name and can't wait till you come home again-maybe this summer sometime?? Wish I could bring her with me next week, but that would certainly do her in! You really are a marshmallow deep down inside - I know it! Love ya, Mama

The Real Sugarbear said...

Pretty sappy, T-bird

Anonymous said...

joseph's grandfather said that you are the brightest star on the horizon, Katie. He said he loves you for your openness and your ability to share with all. ditto for me

Hydee said...

I am a crier during movies but I bawled for this one too! We actually rented it this past weekend and after it was over my husband found me laying on our living room floor cuddled up with my chocolate lab.