

oh so busy

i feel like i am playing catch up constantly these days.

watching joe catch the ball at softball,
getting caught up on sleep- claire is sleeping through the night again!
trying to catch claire before she destroys a folded laundry pile, a stack of diapers, toilet paper, trash cans, shoes, etc.
getting caught up in YW- lotsa work, lotsa fun
catching claire's vomit before it gets the carpet, furniture, me....

i love the feeling of being busy- don't get me wrong. just be patient while i get things back to how they should be again.

speaking of busy.... i was feeling a little cooped up yesterday and decided we needed to appreciate nature for a few minutes. so off to bridal veil falls (marshall had never been). along with everyone else and their dogs. we left after just a few minutes- no chance to enjoy nature when wet dogs are splashing us on every side. made us really want one.

coming up this week:
YW activities
Harry Potter- way more excited for this than twilight!
youth conference
sarah comes to visit!
shots- boo :(

and coming soon:
trip to a dairy farm
trip to stl
trip to nc
pool time
get excited!

one more little update- my sister in law laura and her family said good bye to their adorable litle garrett last thursday. he was here on this earth for a very short time, but we know that he is still an important part of the family. his time in this world has left a positive influence on many, and we look forward to meeting the little guy some day.
we love you bell family!

1 comment:

Jeannette & Brandt said...

I'm with you on the Harry Potter movie!!!!!!!