

she kills me!

she is too cool for school this one. GOSH i love her. (see those tan lines everywhere? we probably swim a little too much!)
she delights in some simple things, but grand things all the same. oh, the coveted sprinkle doughnut! takes me back to saturday mornings growing up; the five of us kids would beg to go across the street to looney's doughnuts for a dozen. sometimes we would have to pool all our change together, and we would each get to choose our very favorite. i always felt bad because almost everyone got to have two, but instead of 14 in a dozen there are only 12, and with 7 people, someone had to sacrifice. i think that it was usually mom! anyways. i seriously love that she loves them!
one-eye winky bean!
so, so sweet.
mouthful! of chips. she LOVES her chips.

i wish everyone could know her like i do. i can tell she just might be kinda nerdy, but in a funny, cool kinda way.


Mom and Sarah said...

Ahhhhh, my side hurts from laughing so much...I can't WAIT for another week to go by!!!

Yaya said...

She is too cute! Give her big hugs from Yaya - September seems a long time away :(

LinnieBell said...

love.that.girl. she's so rad. let's hope that mr. caleb will be as cool :)

(he has a *lot* to live up to!)

..................... said...

new blog address!!