

im a slacker

but heres an update:
we last left the saga of the brewers in utah in our new house. we moved out of our apartment the day before we left for st.louis and dumped everything we had in the garage and started to unpack and put away the things that had been dumped inside the house. we had been expecting the builder to get a washer/dryer set put in earlier in the week, and had put off doing laundry in the coin laundry for a little too long. the day before left we had negative clean clothes, and in the hope of not having to do it in the laundro-mat we made a last-ditch effort to get them. connections = amazing: made a SINGLE phone call, received maybe five in return, and they got put in literally twenty minutes later by a miracle and we stayed up until two in the a.m. getting some done (still left in piles around the house) and packing. we took a three hour nap, got up at 530, left at six thirty a.m., and got to st.louis that afternoon, and have been watching football ever since. seriously. byu played in the pioneer bowl game that night (AMAZING ending to the game bytheway!) and we've watched pretty much any other college ball game thats been on tv. currently the patriots are playing new york and penn state is playing texas a&m simultaneously as i type. we keep flipping back and forth. but dont worry- we did some other things. and have some other things planned.
highlights so far:

randomly our neighboor was having a christmas party and hired a horse drawn carriage for the night to go around out neighborhood. our dog oreo was slightly intriguied- she had never met a horse, and we dont think she really understood- pretty sure it smelled funny, but she recently went mostly blind and couldnt see it. she turned twleve this year, and we worry how much longer she will be with us.

my dad had the brilliant idea to make us do karaoke on christmas eve. we taped the whole thing. one of the funniest things to do. here is joe singing to n'sync

chirs and joe singing/dancing to "at the hop"

marshall and i to "mocking bird"
the traditional pajamas on chirstmas eve. joe and chris have a special way of wearing them

our first chirstmas together!

we are all just too silly.....
there is no way i am putting pictures of me on christmas day up- but here is marshall thoroughly enjoying himself!

santa "suprised" us with tickets in our stockings! pretty sure i am in love. better than i imagined. and my roommates in the dorm can testify ive been imagining for quite some time. it took a lot of restraint not to jump up and sing with elpheaba and glinda the whole time. i knew every word of every song. and i would see it again in a heartbeat!

it really was amazing. we had the stand in for elpheaba, but the people around us afterward said that she was better than the usual one. i was pretty pleased.

just funny. lindsay and i really enjoyed ourselves.

we have another week here in little edwardsville before we head back to our new home and another semester at byu. we are having sooo much fun and have finally caught up on our lack of sleep. not sure what the rest of the break will bring, but we have new years and plenty more games to watch!


pics of house

i know i said i would get these up ealier, but here they are.... click the link
i will get more up after we actually move in and have a little decor.


i need a heart

because apparently, i dont have one! reason being: i dont cry during movies. i just don't. i have no idea why. it doesnt matter how sappy the chick flick, they never get to me. my dear husband has a heart as big as it gets i guess because he cries for them all. he cries for chick flicks, any kind of sports movie ('specially football and baseball) and ones that remind him of samoa where he served his mission. a couple classic examples:

1-we saw "martian child" in the dollar theater friday night (HIGHLY recommend it!) and i didnt notice but at the end he was bawling when the kid and dad are on top of the telescope. not really even a chick flick but just has some good morals or something in it.
2- tonight we put on "the other side of heaven" which is set in tonga, and is almost identical to samoa in culture, setting, language, people, etc. the opening credits started and he was tearing up and trying to hold back.

its highly probable that he cried during lord of the rings- actually im pretty sure. i usually (ok, every time) sleep through most of them, but it wouldn't surprise me.

which reminds me. we are going to see the play "wicked" over christmas break. i'll ask the wizard for a heart while i am there.



aka: TIRED!!! sometime we come up with different ways to say tired. thats one of them. another is tuuurd.... i was going to put up some pics tonight, but maybe tomorrow. today was the last day of classes this semester, and it feels sooo good. gotta get through finals still, but they aren't really phasing me at this point. we are just too excited to be moving to our house. which, bytheway, is going to happen TUESDAY and we are ecstatic. i was all ready to post some pictures, but i got tired and hungry, so im satisfying those needs first. sweet dreams.


oh what a week

its been one of those weeks. finals coming up. papers to write. snow falling. more homework. trying to sell an apartment contract. more snow. bills. furniture and christmas shopping. and, oh yeah, buying a house. yep- you read that right! mama and papa bowerman are helping the kidies get their first house and we are so thankful and excited! everything happened a little fast, but we are so stoked to be moving in at the end of next week, the day before we leave for christmas break. we found a beautiful little townhome in southwest provo that just got finished being built several weeks ago. great little neighborhood, close to a pool, park, and even has a little backyard (a rare find for a townhouse!) saturday night after dealing with snow all day, trying to get errands done, and missing the ward christmas party because of a steep hill we weren't sure we could have gotten up with snow, we came up with a list of the things we are most grateful for with the house. at that point in time the fact there is a two car garage with it made the top of the list. here's our list of why we are excited for a garage:

1- storage space! (no more storage unit!)
2- the car goes inside, which means
a- car gets less dirty
b- no ice to clean off
c- no snow to clean off
d- warm car in the morning
e-easier to wash, vaccuum out, etc.
3- no searching for twenty minutes to find a parking space a half mile away in the pouring rain at nearly midnight and below freezing temps
4- car has no chance of getting towed, booted, ticketed, etc.
5- less likely to get stolen

we are moving in next friday and we can hardly wait! we are frantically trying to find furniture, and getting finals over with. its been crazy trying to find some things. still on the list of necessary things are: kitchen table chairs to match the table, mattress (we arent even sure if we are going queen or upgrading to king... :) and refrigerator. other items of interest: coffee and side tables, big wooden storage trunk, entertainment thing to put tv on, and a man chair.

we'll get pics up later, probably after some things are moved in!


snow fall

i decided after church yesterday that i am greatful for snow. at church there was a polynesian woman who got up to bare her testimony who was from hawaii visiting her son in our ward. she was so funny and she said over and over that she was so grateful for the snow and how beautiful it is. she was so grateful that she wasn't drowning in the ocean but looking at how beautiful the snow made the world. i talked to her after in relief society and she said it all again. her happiness was infectious, and i could not help but be grateful for it. any of those other feelings i had toward snow the other day vanished, and i wished it could stay. there is something so beautiful about the way snow sparkles in the sunlight, ahhh i love it.


happy birhtday laura and cold, white, fluffy stuff

its joseph's sister's birthday today! we love and are thinking of ya! i dont have a picture of just laura, but here she is with her family that was taken while we were visiting for thanksgiving.

she is almost six months pregnant now, and she's due on my birthday! (march 3rd!) we spent alot of time at her house when we were in NC and we miss it! anyways...

ps- it definitely snowed 4-6 inches today. im not sure if im happy about it or not. i was definitely not happy about when the car was skidding this morning when i snuck out to get doughnuts to suprise my husband (krispy kremes for byu game days- byu is playing san diego as i write this- and winning). but everything looks soooo beautiful right now. time for snow gear!


slideshow from wedding reception

i could sit and watch this all day. these are pictures my dad put together of us growing up for our wedding reception three months ago. i was looking at some pictures and decided i wanted to share.


the land: "zion's camp"

we had a fun day up at laura and jason's land in virginia today! it was brrrr cold but we had a hot fire, pot pie, hot chocolate, and lots of fun! jason mowed some of the grass, and the boys had shooting time. the kids got a little restless, but it was an overall fun trip for everyone! some memories from the day:

at the start of the day: rick got some branches on him after going after a stump

sierra wearing rick's hat, and doing his scowl

jason on the lawn mower with jamison (their kids LOVE it!)

jamison driving all by himself

the bell fam
getting ready to go shooting!
(and he gives me a hard time about how i hold a gun. hmph)

some other funny moments: last night we went to laura and jason's for a "sibling hang out" and we had a good time watching some movies and eating pizza. jamison had a hard time going to bed because there were people there and was just too wound up for sleep, and kept coming downstairs to see what was going on. he was too cute to get mad at though, especially when he started doing his tiptoe-ing across the hallway. what a cute little kid!

being "shy"
we also want to say congrats to our friends katie and zach who just welcomed a BEAUTIFUL little boy into the world! congrats!


vacation in NC

we are currently hanging out in north carolina with joseph's family and having so much fun! we had a yummy thanksgiving meal yesterday with everyone, and we all contributed, so it was a fun time having a some of everything. we've got some other fun things planned for the rest of our trip, and we will try and get better at taking pictures. we had a date night with the married couples the other night. we went to the village tavern and it was soooo yummy! (grilled meatloaf was delicious!)
at the tavern!
we spent some time up at joseph's sister laura and jason's place, and their kids LOVE playing with cell phones and taking pictures of themselves! sierra had some cute ones!

me and sierra! (cell phone quality, sorry :)

we'll keep y'all posted! we hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving holiday! i am soooo excited for the christmas season- i have been waiting as long as possible to start the christmas music and the time has finally come :)


every dad can do this

for a good laugh, go check my sister's lindsay's latest post- every dad can do this. a funny video of a few minutes from last night. i'm slightly embarassed by it, but we were having a good time!

we are going on a trip tomorrow to go see joseph's family in NC for thanksgiving. we are stoked about it! its going to be so much fun to see them again- we cant wait.

gross story from today: i was sitting in class, waiting for a lecture to start, and suddenly i hear a sneeze and feel something hit my head. i pause, think "no way did what i think happen, just happen. no way." i turn around, and see a guy wiping his mouth, and i thought, again, "no way, no way, no way!" and i reached back and touched my hair, and i wanted to throw up. there was a huge glob of the guy's bodily fluids all over my hair! how disgusting is that? a college kid that doesn't know how to cover his mouth when he sneezes? i wanted to say something to him, but i was utterly dumbfounded. way to ruin my day, when i already woke up with a cold, and my stomache was hurting for no reason. i want to go take a shower right now and get it out!

i guess thats all for now..... NC here we come! :)


bourne ultimatum

we went to see this at the dollar theater last night (i have a hard time seeing movies for more than a dollar. why spend ten dollars when you can wait a little while, and see it for a dollar?) and i totally loved it. i like action movies a lot of times, the ones i can follow anyways, which is great for joseph. and this was definitely the best of the bourne movies, i think. im generally not a fan of sequal movies, but this was the best (there were like seven "third"movies that came out this summer). joseph especially got into it- at one point he forgot he was in a public theater, and put his hand up in the air and kinda said "stop!" kinda in a low grunt. it was pretty hilarious because i looked over and pulled his hand down. he didn't even realize he had done it. pretty intense!

also intense- 24. we rented the first season last week, while joseph was out of commision, a couple disks at a time, and it was so hard to not just go and get all of them and watch it straight through. we got pretty into it- again. like one night after watching about six hours of it and doing homework one night, we were getting ready for bed and i said, "you dont look very happy. put a smile on!" and he looks at me, and said, "you already said that today! oh wait.... that was 24." good times.

i've been having some crazy dreams lately, and i have forgotten a lot of them, but i remember the one from last night, and i feel like sharing- part one: i was on a vacation with my family, and my dad drove us into the mountains, and we were driving in an old red buick (we have NEVER owned anything like that..... ) dad then decided that we were going to fly to outer space, so we started driving really fast and flew out of the earth, and looked at it, while dad was pointing out all the cool things you could see from space. part two: we came back to earth, drove down the mountain and drove to new mexico, and then it was time for me to get married- again. but we were getting married civilly, at my cousin's house, the one who just got married. but my mom forgot the veil, se she tried to get me to wear an ugly blue and purple hat. anyways.... any dream interpretations would be great! haha.

well its time to watch football, another one of our favorite things to do. any time there is a byu game on tv, we go get krispy kremes and watch the game, because we are lame and couldnt get tickets to any games. go cougars!


day 10!

it has come and gone! joseph has made it past the day 10 marker! apparently, day ten is the worst, because people think they are fine and over do it, and then end up going back in the hospital because something bad happens. we had a little scare last night, but it was just a little thing, and today he is doing awesome! he lost over 15 pounds, and we have the before and after shots for ya. we are sadly mourning the loss of wilbur, his beloved gut. R.I.P. wilbur.

lookin' good! he is still eating very little, but is starting to like food again! this is a HUGE improvement over the last few days, because although he was eating solids, everything was nasty (it WANS'T my cooking this time!) AND he made it to all his classes today! (another HUGE accomplishment :) if all goes well, and it should, he will be able to fly to NC next week, and we are sooooo excited!



my scruffy little boy is feeling MUCH better now. this is one of the first days he's been able to smile a little bit! he is going to try a little school tomorrow, hopefully. he hasn't been up to shaving, and we don't know what he'll be up to later. he's eating solids now, but doesn't like them yet because they aren't tasting very good. he's lost over ten pounds, pretty fast way to lose weight. we'll keep ya updated!



so joseph had surgery today- a septoplasty, tonsilectomy, turbonate reduction, and a possible adinoid something or other. (they never told us if they did it...... gotta get back on that) it was an out patient event, and he's doing great! looking a little worse for wear at the moment, but he's just getting lots of sleep, and drinking just water at the moment.

a last look at five thirty this morning. a slightly restless night for me, but wanting to get it over with! please note the crookedness of his nose before!

all dressed in his gown- sadly, he was completely covered in the back, much to his disapointment. he wanted the nurses to see his cute bum! (kidding!)

sweet socks with the little rubber things on the bottom so he wouldnt slip

they make the lights comforting- definitely didnt look like that when we went in!

right after surgery, making the joe face

slightly drugged
so thats whats going on right now. the surgery went well enough that we dont have to go back for two weeks, right before thanksgiving. and if recovery goes well, he should be able to eat a real meal by thanksgiving day!



got tagged by my friend heather little while back.... been busy but here it is!
six random things about me....

1- my dream is to go to spain. i wanted to major in spanish and live abroad there for a semester, not gonna happen now. but i still want to visit and go to a bull fight. i dont know how many presentations ive seen about spain, and they always talk about the bull fights. go figure.
2- i am a disaster when it comes to arts and crafts-y type things. my absolute least favorite part of girls camp for sure. dont enjoy it, and cant do it.

3- i really want a dog. i miss our family dog at home, and i cant wait to get one when we have a house.

oreo dressing up last year....

4- i dont like lord of the rings. i didnt watch them until a couple weeks ago, and even then i didnt stay awake through it. i tried to read them once, didnt get into it, didnt like it. i think i read the first chapter.
5- i used to dance and cheer, and i wish i could do it again. i loved it, and i loved how it feels to dance. best memories from summer term freshman year was going dancing until 1 in the morning. and it was one of the best parts of high school.

6- im a harry potter fan. i know, totally nerdy, but i started reading them years ago in middle school, and it was cool. i cant start something like a movie or book and not finish it. so i had to finish them. and i like them. totally nerdy.

so now you know.....

never ending reunions!

we've been to a few "reunions" with friends from my various 'homes' lately. we were at another one last friday at Brick Oven at provo- so fun! saw some people i havent seen in a LONG time, and caught up with people i havent talked to in years. a good time and great food! a couple pics.... we need to get better at it! dinner was yummy! joe wasnt a bellinghamite, but hes got a lot of connections to us, so he wasnt too out of place!
Lindsay and her roommate jac! jac isnt a bellinghamite either, but she had fun! always a good time at brick oven!


yet another wedding!

my cousin nick was married this weekend down in farmington, new mexcio. it was a fun time being able to get away from school for a few days and see my parents and some extended family we havent seen for a while. it was a gorgeous weekend and the weather couldn't have been more perfect.

on the way down with lindsay. the katie face.....

The Joe Face

so, the above picture has a little story behind it...... lindsay and i have made this trip down and back to and from new mexico several times now, and every time we pass this rock that has a huge sign that says 'hole n' the rock' on both sides of the wall, with an arrow, but we have yet to see this "hole."
so on our way down this weekend we saw it again, and really wanted to see this hole, because you cant see it from the freeway. so on our way back to provo today we decided we HAD to stop and see it. we pulled up and here it was! however, we were slightly disappointed because there wasn't a hole, but a house inside the rock. i guess the "hole-house" was a pretty big deal because its in a rock, but we were slightly let down, and we didnt feel like paying for a short little tour. at least we dont have to look for a hole anymore! plus we got some sweet souveniers....

we were walking up and for a minute we thought this was the hole, but, its not.

anywho, a great weekend. i'll post more pictures of us and the wedding later. lindsay had her camera and we took pictures about every five seconds, so i'll get those later.

another platinum dinner

we love them!


funniest thing today

so, joseph plays flag football, and thats always fun because he plays with some of my friends from middle school and high school in washington, always a good time to see them. so at today's game, the team they were supposed to play didnt show, so they won that game. another team showed up early for a game after them, and they decided just to play each other. on the other team were a few guys from the high school that i went to in california. and so it was just this bizarre moment when i saw people from completely different places interacting with each other, and i knew them coming from completely different times in my life...... anyways just this wierd thing that happened. and i felt bad cheering for the other team, because im supposed to support my husband, but they were friends.... wierd..... on top of that was a few pieces of interesting gossip from a friend..... strange night, possibly going to get stranger, if we go to a haunted house.
on a side note, i love halloween. i cant wait to have an excuse to eat candy. i don't care how old i get, if its halloween, im allowed to eat candy:) and watch scary movies. its the american thing to do.


jerrica's wedding

just a few pics of jerrica- i love her and miss her! she was such a beautiful bride! the best friends: someone, angela, jerrica, zenna, and me. we love her!
me and jerrica! she had a cute little luncheon in bountiful at a little reception house.
love ya babe!


so its been a while

its been a while since the last one, and things have finally calmed down a bit. school was getting hectic, we both had severl major exams this past week, with more to come. whew, we cant wait for thanksgiving break! the weather has been throwing us off too- one day its snowing the next its 75 and a sun shiny day. all the winter clothes have officially come out and are ready for use. i wasnt done with summer yet, but oh well.
one of my best friends, jerrica zollinger, got married last week in the Salt Lake temple and it was an absolutely beautiful ceremony. elder D. Todd Christofferson, president of the seventy, was their sealer; what a neat experience! he shook everyone's hands and asked us our names. i'll post some pictures later!
gotta get back to studying- thats life right now!


true love

pretty much in love with my husband! can you guess what i found after school today? rose petals on the bed! so cute!

nice huh? so i went to his volleyball game with him. and go some sweet action shots of the stud!

true love..... :)


utah fun

it seems we haven't stopped doing things since we got here, but i haven't gotten to post about them yet. so heres the scoop:

the first weekend we were here, there was an award ceremony for the guys with platinum who he worked for all summer. he made into the 100 club (100 sales from the whole summer) and we had some yummy food. there was a masquerade after, here's us with our sweet masks:

we've also been spending some quality time with my sister lindsay who lives just a little ways from us close to the uvsc campus while she works at a cute little scrapbook store as a designer for them. we had dinner with her on sunday, and it was a fun affair at my expense. the whole being sick thing has made me have a few moments lately, and everyone seemed to think it was pretty funny.

also pretty exciting, we just got done listening to the prophet speak in the marriot center today, and we got really great seats! we were about a half a baskeball court away from him, and being there was so awesome! joseph skipped class to get those seats, and for that i am grateful!

there he is, he's such a sweet little old man!

anyways..... gotta run to class, as always!