

a wedding and seeing some family!

its been a crazy weekend so far: here's the run-down of the wedding events (it was joseph's cousing sarah who got married- one of the cutest girls ever!)

joseph's mom, his sister laura, her husband, and their three kids made the trek up here yesterday, and after a drive that took a little longer than planned, they stopped by to pick me up. they had been trying to get to the temple for the endowment session, but didn't make it. so we waited for everyone to come out after... boy were those kids needing a break! they were cute as can be, but who doesn't go a little wacky after being in the car that long? we said hi to all the family who was there, and made a break for the hotel and got the kiddies suited up for a swim. they are total water babies and were so fun to watch! then joseph and jill drove out from work came and said hi to the family as well and to see the kiddies. they loooove their 'uncle jill' (jamison was having a hard time getting aunt and uncle straight) and 'uncle jooooooseph'!

today joseph and jill took the morning off so we could all go to the sealing, and while we were on time, i could not find my recommend anywhere! we turned the apartment upside down twice looking for it, and it is no where to be seen. we hadn't seen it since the last time we went to the temple, so we thought maybe it had gotten left there... .well it definitely wasnt there, but they looked me up, and joseph's uncle happens to be a stake president and vouched for me, so by a miracle we all got in and attended the funniest sealing ever! the temple sealer was the funniest old man, and laura's husband jason was cracking us up the whole time. for memory's sake, may we never forget the awful but oh so hilarious moment of 'awkward,' the bad idea of taking the stairs, and the sealer's very insistent directions for where each of us was to sit.

we decided that we needed to treat ourselves to cheesecake factory afterwards and that was pretty funny too.... our poor watiress! jk it wasn't that bad- but there were definitely a few moments of wacky-craziness- the biggest grilled cheese sandwich ever and playing musical seats with the kids.... never to be forgotten!

we definitely wish we could have spent a lot more time with everyone and that we could have gone to the wedding reception, but we had to get back to work, so we said our good-byes to everyone and we hope to see them again soon!
the new couple!

i told you i love laura's other kids just as much as sierra! miss paige is quite the chunky monkey and jamison is one smart cookie! we love you guys!


Laura said...

Seeing you all was truly the highlight of the weekend for me. THanks for being so kind and loving toward my children. Jamison cried for you Katie and has asked for you since we left. I think he has a special connection with you! Miss you already, Laura

Polka Dot Craft Parties said...

Thanks for being a good sport and hanging out with us. We so enjoyed our short, but crazy time with you! Thanks for taking care of me. We love you guys!