

going to bed these days

is getting really pretty difficult. especially when claire gets a nap, like today. it can be pretty frustrating. no matter how hard i try to get the energy out, the routines we set up, the white noise, blacked out room, blankies and toys/lack thereof, and all that jazz, it can take up to three hours of bedtime stuff before she finally passes out. it is really wearing down my patience. it has gotten better the last couple of weeks, but some nights you just never know.

bubbers on the other hand- dream boat. wrap him up, binky, aquarium, gone. (most of the time.) dreaming of the day that used to be claire. sigh.

here's a little pre-bed recap:
up close and personal
diamond in the sky

cheese mommy!
mid kick
no more pictures!
i'm not gonna fall over!
bum in the way
fly away bubba!
i'm a frog. i jump allllll day
claire- turn on the lights!

now time for jack. (jack bauer.)


Yaya said...

Oh - I remember just such nights so well! The time change is always tough, just to add a little more will get better or at least different. They are really cute and I can't wait to see them!

Joseph said...

you would think you would say "now time for joe." It's ok i know jack is a better man. he can go 24hrs without using the bathroom once.... when i reach that status you'll finally say, "now time for joe"