

how did they know???

my wonderful sis-in-law and her crew visited this week. while here jason took it upon himself to get to the store, and filled the house with goodies. he snagged some mother's circus animal cookies (the pink and white ones) which we both happen to have a weakness for. on that particular day though he also brought hostess powdered doughnuts, and i ate nearly half the bag. after they left i found myself craving more... and more.... so i snagged another bag of them, and they were half gone again before we even got home.

and then last night laura grabbed a few more things for their trip home today and conveniently left some starbursts in a kitchen drawer. haven't had those in forever, so i sampled one, and now i am getting ready to take myself to the store and grab another bag.

my question is- how did they know? how in the world did they place in my possession two of my best friends, as well as two potentially dangerous enemies? for i cannot have just one of either.
for you see, i can eat them, and not feel sick. i can be distracted and snack to my hearts content. i somehow do not get full, and they keep calling to me. telling me of their goodness, and their desire to fill my body.

ahhhhh..... to be slave to a pregnant body carrying my husband's child. *ahem*. my husband's son.


Yaya said...

Those Bell's always know how to have a good time....and have good treats.

Mom and Sarah said...

Seriously sounds like you're dying a very slow, delicious death!!