

its a good life

its been a good month for us. and today i am especially happy. like if i wasn't yawning every five seconds from no sleep last night i would be bouncing off the walls.

my mom comes today! (i might be asleep by the time she gets here, but its today!)

finally! something i ordered online is supposed to come today! and two more tomorrow!

my house is almost all clean!

claire is getting potty trained! (kind of.....)

my crazy dad is in england! (what the heck?)

and it goes on. but i am just really happy. are you happy? its a good feeling. my kids crack us up, constantly, my family rocks, joe is awesome, church is great, etc. oh, and i know its wishful thinking, but it looks like spring is coming. (i am sure there is more cold and snow to come, buuuuut, its just so purdy outside!) 

and even though my bamboo stick that has been around for two years is finally dying, it just means its time for a new plant, right? 

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