

sequence of events

thursday night: missionaries over for dinner. we serve tri-tip sandwiches (my fave) with mashed potatoes and broccoli. load claire's plate with mashed potatoes and broccoli and dip (ketchup). claire devours all the broccoli, mine, and joe's. this is a first. she has NEVER kept a bite of the green little trees in her mouth long enough to chew and swallow. success.

friday night: out to dinner. joe orders broccoli as a side to see if  the previous night was a fluke. definitely not. and definitely ate all of it, with more dip.

saturday morning: i woke up with a hunkering for doughnuts. i grab claire and we head to krispy kreme. we wait in line. (the conveyor had stopped for a little bit, so we kept running up and down looking at it, and people with huge orders kept cutting in front of us. rude. grrr....) by the time we get our dozen, get our freebies, and are on our way out the door, claire turns, looks at me and says "more broccoli??" WHAT!?!? 

we were all out of broccoli, so we settled for sprinkle doughnuts (which she now confuses. i can't tell the difference between her saying sprinkles and broccoli. sweet.)

saturday morning tradition growing up- doughnuts! my fave? chocolate iced custard filled. joes? chocolate covered kreme filled. claire's? sprinkles. duh. 


LinnieBell said...

duh claire likes sprinkles. i was the one who introduced them to her :)

LinnieBell said...

...and your pics aren't working again. {sad face}

Yaya said...

Joseph is like his mom - chocolate covered creme filled - Daniel likes sprinkles like Claire - NOT broccoli! How fitting she likes to eat it with ketchup! I have a sad face too that your pictures aren't working :(

Jill said...

chocolate covered creme filled all the way! both mine and jacob's faves...i'm seeing a family trend here...