

how about a story?

i am so, so embarrassed. 
but i am sharing this because it is so, so funny.

set the stage, shall we? i keep going back and forth with potty training claire. i just need to do it. today was the day to do it. she had been doing awesome- telling me she needed to go, pulling down her pants and running to the bathroom all day. joe was home, babies sleeping and playing quietly, so i thought i would take claire and run around for a minute while we go to the church so we can make some copies. no biggie, right?

grab the keys, claire and the needed copies and walk, because its a nice day and our church is two seconds away. claire was loving it. i get into the building, into the materials center, put stuff down, get claire to stop doing whatever, put paper in machine, turn to check on claire and she is peeing all. over. the. place. in the freshly deep cleaned church, mind you. 

it gets better.

i run to the bathroom as fast as i can, grab paper towels, get some wet, some dry, extra for claire, and run back and watch claire slam the door. the locked door. with the keys inside, one of her shoes, my copies, and pee soaking into the floor. awesome.

i start to panic. no phone, no car, dripping wet girl, no phone.... ah! phone in the lobby on the other side. call joe, and beg him to help me out, while he is dealing with the two now screaming babies at home. get claire cleaned up, find some toys to play with while we wait, and hold wet pants over blowing heater vent to dry. joe calls back- no one will answer their phones to come rescue me! i tried jiggling the lock, no luck.

it gets even better.

we wandered around for a while, trying to keep claire occupied while we wait to see if joe got ahold of anyone. suddenly claire does the crosses-legs-holds-crotch-and-panicked-face and tells me she needs to go pee-pee. claire only goes in her potty. ONLY. i tried to get her to go in the bathroom, she wouldn't even look at it. i called joe seven times trying to see where he was at. i was almost to the point where i was going to take her outside so she could leak on the grass, but she managed to hold it.

finally joe rushes in, unlocks the door with that look on his face, and gets back to the other screaming kids. get claire in the diaper he brought, get the pee cleaned up, and claire settled. okay. back to square one. paper is in the tray....

and the copier. won't. copy. 

absolutely refused. wouldn't budge. sneered at me even. error message, after error message, after error message. so great, huh? 

hoping your day was a little better than mine! at least you have something to laugh at, because it didn't happen to you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Katie. At least it's one of those funny stories that you can share and maybe laugh about later.