

Hungry boy

Loooove the very hungry caterpillar. Bubba-love does too. And the doggies outside playing in two inches of snow.

that's right. Haters complained enough, and got some stinking snow. I was rather enjoying my balmy fifty degrees, no coats, windows down and sunshine,thankyouverymuch. I was starting to think it was April. I'll just keep de-junking anyways I guess. Not that anyone can tell....


Yaya said...

What do you mean "the doggies"? Love that little Bubba master! Give him kisses from Yaya....I love my skype and phone kisses I get! (He usually disconnects the call...)I personally am ready for a snowday....just not lots of them so school goes forever in the summer.

Yaya said...

So I feel dumb....I just realized what you were talking about with the doggies. I thought at first you HAD a dog or doggies outside playing in the snow. Some days.....sorry:)

Katie and joe said...

Oh Shellie, sorry that didn't make sense.... The neighbors dogs were outside doing their business, Caleb was just watching them go nuts in the snow.