

they grow so fast

how claire felt this morning

they've changed so much in the last six months!

my little buddy. she loves getting her picture taken, promise.

sweet girl. crazy bed head.

we've been a little lame until a couple of days ago, when claire's cousins came to visit! we only managed one picture just before a nap time, and just before they were about to take off, but they were here! and we LOVED every minute of it. after they had gone, my sister came over, and claire got rather upset that she wasn't her cousins. oh well.....

other than that claire and i hang out pretty much all day, every day. i am slowly getting bigger and more rotund, and according to the doc on wednesday, "it still sounds like a boy". i am due four days apart from my sister-in-law, and we are so excited to be having cousins so close in age- finally!

my garden pretty much went ka-put. most everything died- its been so stinkin' cold! we missed covering up the plants in the 50 snowstorms that we've had in the last month.... i am NOT giving up. the lettuce survived, and the temps are on the rise again, so i'll be giving it another go soon.

and claire still LOVES nursery. she practically runs in there without so much as a look back at us. i might just love it more than she does.

happy friday!


Yaya said...

I want to give that Claire a big Yaya hug! Thanks for the picture of all the cousins. So cute! Enjoy your time with just will wish for it back and think of all the things you would like to have done when it was only one!

Yaya said...

I had this great idea this morning....send Claire with Jill and I will return her......sometime.....

LinnieBell said...

i have to say that claire having a melt down the other day was pretty funny. (i can say that now that i'm not in the middle of that situation...i was kinda sad/annoyed/frustrated she threw a fit when i didn't get a hug from her! :) claire will always be my buddy!

Savanna said...

your hair. it grows like a weed... fast, i mean. teach me please!