

feel the warmth

i love getting in bed at night and just falling asleep almost instantly after a long day. the sense of accompliment, being with my family, all such great feelings. you know what else is great? washing the sheets and pulling them out of the dryer and putting them on the bed while they are still warm and then getting under the covers. ahhhhh a beautiful nights sleep is on its way.


Laura said...

MY favorite is the fresh clean warm sheet thing too....BUT. I REALLY like it when my legs are freshly shaved with the above said conditions. Jason laughs at me because whenever we have fresh, hot clean sheets, and i do NOT have freshly shaven legs...i think it is all such a waste!
I love you Katie!

Mom and Sarah said...

Ah, you need to add an electric blanket...couldn't live without it in the winter. Just like getting into a fresh-out-of-the-dryer bed everytime. I'm laughing that you're finally using both sheets! A sure sign that you're aging ever so gracefully! Love you babe, Mom