

lucky number 3

3 just happens to be my lucky number. i am the third child born on the third day of the third month. i went to three high schools. i had three different bedroom roommates my freshman year. i usually was '#3' in my elementary school classes. i've locked my keys in my car three times and someone else has had to break in each time. i have three chicken pock marks on my face. i wear three rings. we currently have three members in our family. and today is the third day of the month, and happens to be claire's three month birthday! thats allotta threes. i don't know if i LOVE threes, but i like 'em okay. they seem to always be appearing.
today claire learned how to hold her bottle. she grabbed it from me, took it out of her mouth then stuck it back in and drank away. she's gonna be an independent one.


Yaya said...

Independence can be a good thing...when she's grown and needs to take care of herself. When you are the mama and she is the child....not so much! Love the eyewear!

LinnieBell said...

Don't be surprised if I go back and get those glasses for her! She totally rocked 'em and looked like a babe!! What a hottie! :)

Amanda said...

Love the glasses!